Creating form based application for enterprise level clients
Designing high converting websites
UX Auditing existing B2B applications and solving for better experience
UX Auditing internal product, benchmarking and proposing design
solutions to stake holders
Collaborating with devs and getting designed shipped
Improving UI of existing demo applications
Designing graphics for social media
Creating form based application for enterprise level clients
Designing demo websites
Collaborating with devs and getting designed shipped
Designed high converting websites for SaaS companies
Art directed and designed a creative website
Qualitative research on in house drones through interviews and observing how
drones are operated on ground
Secondary research on use cases, end users
Heuristic UX Analysis with benchmarking and competitor analysis
Sketching and ideation of physical drones (industrial design specific)
Designed mobile apps & websites with low-fidelity and high-fidelity prototypes.
Brainstormed user flows, ideated wireframes.
Contributed to branding, graphic banners and social media posts.
Designed pitch decks and social media posts.
Designed a lifestyle product collection for pets.
Handled the project end-end (ideation to manufacturing)
Ideated on content and social media marketing. Did a product photoshoot.